1 /**
2     Contains a number of algorithms that operate on sequences. These sequences can be:
4     <li>$(LINK2 https://dlang.org/spec/template.html#variadic-templates, value sequences):
5     ---
6     assert(1.concat(2, 3, 4).array == [1, 2, 3, 4]);
7     ---
8     <li>$(LINK2 https://dlang.org/phobos/std_range_primitives.html, ranges):
9     ---
10     assert(1.concat([2, 3, 4]).array == [1, 2, 3, 4]);
11     ---
12     <li>a mixture of the above two:
13     ---
14     assert(1.concat([2, 3], 4).array == [1, 2, 3, 4]);
15     ---
16     <li>$(LINK2 https://dlang.org/spec/hash-map.html, associative arrays):
17     ---
18     auto aa = ["a": 1, "b": 0, "c": 2];
19     assert(aa.compactValues!(a => a == 0) == ["a": 1, "c": 2]);
20     ---
22     Furthermore, a number of algorithms allow you to:
24     <li>operate on members of types:
26     This would be akin to passing in a predicate that extracts a member variable from a type to
27     operate on instead of operating on the whole type. These algorithms usually have a `By` prefix:
28     ---
29     class C {
30         int x;
31     }
32     auto arr1 = [new C(2), new C(3)];
33     auto arr2 = [new C(2), new C(3)];
34     assert(arr1.equalBy!"x"(arr2));
35     ---
36     <li>operate via unary or binary predicates:
37     ---
38     import std.math: ceil;
39     assert([2.1, 1.2].difference!ceil([2.3, 3.4]).equal([1.2]));
40     assert([2.1, 1.2].difference!((a, b) => ceil(a) == ceil(b))([2.3, 3.4]).equal([1.2]));
41     ---
42     <li> or both:
43     ---
44     struct A {
45         int x;
46     }
47     auto arr = [A(4), A(8), A(12)];
48     assert(arr.pullBy!("x", a => a / 2)(5, 9).array == [A(12)]);
49     ---
51 Algorithms:
53 $(TABLE
54 $(TR $(TH Module) $(TH Functions) $(TH Properties) $(TH Description))
55 $(TR
56     $(TD $(DDOX_NAMED_REF ddash.algorithm.compact, `compact`))
57     $(TD
58         $(DDOX_NAMED_REF algorithm.compact.compact, `compact`)<br>
59         $(DDOX_NAMED_REF algorithm.compact.compactBy, `compactBy`)<br>
60         $(DDOX_NAMED_REF algorithm.compact.compactValues, `compactValues`)<br>
61         )
62     $(TD)
63     $(TD Creates a range or associative array with all null/predicate values removed.)
64     )
65 $(TR
66     $(TD $(DDOX_NAMED_REF ddash.algorithm.concat, `concat`))
67     $(TD
68         $(DDOX_NAMED_REF algorithm.concat.concat, `concat`)
69         )
70     $(TD)
71     $(TD Concatenates ranges and values together to a new range)
72     )
73 $(TR
74     $(TD $(DDOX_NAMED_REF ddash.algorithm.difference, `difference`))
75     $(TD
76         $(DDOX_NAMED_REF algorithm.difference.difference, `difference`)<br>
77         $(DDOX_NAMED_REF algorithm.difference.differenceBy, `differenceBy`)<br>
78         )
79     $(TD)
80     $(TD Creates a range of values not included in the other given set of values)
81     )
82 $(TR
83     $(TD $(DDOX_NAMED_REF ddash.algorithm.equal, `equal`))
84     $(TD
85         $(DDOX_NAMED_REF algorithm.equal.equal, `equal`)<br>
86         $(DDOX_NAMED_REF algorithm.equal.equalBy, `equalBy`)<br>
87         )
88     $(TD)
89     $(TD Tells you if two things are equal)
90     )
91 $(TR
92     $(TD $(DDOX_NAMED_REF ddash.algorithm.fill, `fill`))
93     $(TD
94         $(DDOX_NAMED_REF algorithm.fill.fill, `fill`)
95         )
96     $(TD mutates)
97     $(TD Assigns value to each element of input range.)
98     )
99 $(TR
100     $(TD $(DDOX_NAMED_REF ddash.algorithm.flatmap, `flatmap`))
101     $(TD
102         $(DDOX_NAMED_REF algorithm.flatmap.flatMap, `flatMap`)
103         )
104     $(TD)
105     $(TD Maps and flattens a range.)
106     )
107 $(TR
108     $(TD $(DDOX_NAMED_REF ddash.algorithm.flatten, `flatten`))
109     $(TD
110         $(DDOX_NAMED_REF algorithm.flatten.flatten, `flatten`)<br>
111         $(DDOX_NAMED_REF algorithm.flatten.flattenDeep, `flattenDeep`)<br>
112         )
113     $(TD)
114     $(TD Flattens a range by removing nesting levels values)
115     )
116 $(TR
117     $(TD $(DDOX_NAMED_REF ddash.algorithm.frompairs, `frompairs`))
118     $(TD
119         $(DDOX_NAMED_REF algorithm.frompairs.fromPairs, `fromPairs`)
120         )
121     $(TD)
122     $(TD Returns a newly allocated associative array from a range of key/value tuples)
123     )
124 $(TR
125     $(TD $(DDOX_NAMED_REF ddash.algorithm.index, `index`))
126     $(TD
127         $(DDOX_NAMED_REF algorithm.index.indexWhere, `indexWhere`)<br>
128         $(DDOX_NAMED_REF algorithm.index.lastIndexWhere, `lastIndexWhere`)<br>
129         $(DDOX_NAMED_REF algorithm.index.indexOf, `indexOf`)<br>
130         $(DDOX_NAMED_REF algorithm.index.lastIndexOf, `lastIndexOf`)<br>
131         )
132     $(TD)
133     $(TD Returns `optional` index of an element in a range.)
134     )
135 $(TR
136     $(TD $(DDOX_NAMED_REF ddash.algorithm.intersection, `intersection`))
137     $(TD
138         $(DDOX_NAMED_REF algorithm.intersection, `intersection`)
139         )
140     $(TD)
141     $(TD Creates a range of unique values that are included in the other given set of values)
142     )
143 $(TR
144     $(TD $(DDOX_NAMED_REF ddash.algorithm.pull, `pull`))
145     $(TD
146         $(DDOX_NAMED_REF algorithm.pull.pull, `pull`)<br>
147         $(DDOX_NAMED_REF algorithm.pull.pullAt, `pullAt`)<br>
148         $(DDOX_NAMED_REF algorithm.pull.pullBy, `pullBy`)<br>
149         )
150     $(TD)
151     $(TD Pulls elements out of a range)
152     )
153 $(TR
154     $(TD $(DDOX_NAMED_REF ddash.algorithm.remove, `remove`))
155     $(TD
156         $(DDOX_NAMED_REF algorithm.remove.remove, `remove`)
157         )
158     $(TD mutates)
159     $(TD Removed elements from a range by unary predicate)
160     )
161 $(TR
162     $(TD $(DDOX_NAMED_REF ddash.algorithm.reverse, `reverse`))
163     $(TD
164         $(DDOX_NAMED_REF algorithm.reverse.reverse, `reverse`)
165         )
166     $(TD mutates)
167     $(TD Reverses a range in place)
168     )
169 $(TR
170     $(TD $(DDOX_NAMED_REF ddash.algorithm.sort, `sort`))
171     $(TD
172         $(DDOX_NAMED_REF algorithm.sort.sortBy, `sortBy`)<br>
173         $(DDOX_NAMED_REF algorithm.sort.maybeSort, `maybeSort`)<br>
174         $(DDOX_NAMED_REF algorithm.sort.maybeSortBy, `maybeSortBy`)
175         )
176     $(TD)
177     $(TD Provides various ways for sorting a range)
178     )
179 $(TR
180     $(TD $(DDOX_NAMED_REF ddash.algorithm.stringify, `stringify`))
181     $(TD
182         $(DDOX_NAMED_REF algorithm.stringify.stringify, `stringify`)<br>
183         $(DDOX_NAMED_REF algorithm.stringify.stringifySeperatedBy, `stringifySeperatedBy`)<br>
184         )
185     $(TD)
186     $(TD Converts all elements in range into a string separated by separator.)
187     )
188 $(TR
189     $(TD $(DDOX_NAMED_REF ddash.algorithm.zip, `zip`))
190     $(TD
191         $(DDOX_NAMED_REF algorithm.zip.zipEach, `zipEach`)
192         )
193     $(TD)
194     $(TD Zips up ranges together)
195     )
196 )
197 */
198 module ddash.algorithm;
200 import ddash.common;
202 public {
203     import ddash.algorithm.flatmap;
204     import ddash.algorithm.compact;
205     import ddash.algorithm.concat;
206     import ddash.algorithm.difference;
207     import ddash.algorithm.equal;
208     import ddash.algorithm.fill;
209     import ddash.algorithm.flatmap;
210     import ddash.algorithm.flatten;
211     import ddash.algorithm.frompairs;
212     import ddash.algorithm.index;
213     import ddash.algorithm.intersection;
214     import ddash.algorithm.pull;
215     import ddash.algorithm.remove;
216     import ddash.algorithm.reverse;
217     import ddash.algorithm.sort;
218     import ddash.algorithm.stringify;
219     import ddash.algorithm.zip;
220 }