Compacts a range
Create a new range concatenating input range/value with any additional ranges and/or values.
Creates a range of values not included in the other given ranges.
Tells you if two things are equal
Assigns value to each element of input range range
Flatmaps a range
Flattens a range one level deep by removing non truthy values.
Returns a newly allocated associative array from pairs
Returns an optional index of an element.
Creates a range of unique values that are included in all given ranges
Removes elements from a range
Removes elements from a range
Reverses the range by mutating it
sorts stuff
Converts all elements in range into a string separated by separator.
Zips up ranges up together
Contains a number of algorithms that operate on sequences. These sequences can be:
<li>value sequences:
<li>a mixture of the above two:
<li>associative arrays:
Furthermore, a number of algorithms allow you to:
<li>operate on members of types:
This would be akin to passing in a predicate that extracts a member variable from a type to operate on instead of operating on the whole type. These algorithms usually have a By prefix:
<li>operate via unary or binary predicates:
<li> or both: