1 /**
2     Returns a newly allocated associative array from pairs
3 */
4 module ddash.algorithm.frompairs;
6 ///
7 unittest {
8     import std.typecons;
9     assert([tuple(1, 2), tuple(3, 4) ].fromPairs == [1: 2, 3: 4]);
10 }
12 import ddash.common;
14 /**
15     Returns a newly allocated associative array from pairs
17     This is primarily for `std.typecons.Tuple` type objects and works on a range
18     of tuples of size 2. If any other range is given to it, then it will treat
19     every pair of elements as a Tuple and do the same thing.
21     Params:
22         r1 = range of elements to create an associated array out of
24     Returns:
25         Associative array
27     Since:
28         0.0.1
29 */
30 auto fromPairs(R1)(R1 r1) if (from!"std.range".isInputRange!R1) {
31     import std.range: ElementType;
32     import std.typecons: Tuple;
33     static if (is(ElementType!R1 : Tuple!Args, Args...) && Args.length == 2)
34     {
35         import std.array: assocArray;
36         return r1.assocArray;
37     }
38     else
39     {
40         alias E = ElementType!R1;
41         import std.range;
42         import std.algorithm;
43         return r1.chunks(2).fold!((memo, pair) {
44             auto k = pair.front;
45             pair.popFront;
46             if (!pair.empty) {
47                 memo[k] = pair.front;
48             }
49             return memo;
50         })((E[E]).init);
51     }
52 }
54 unittest {
55     import std.algorithm: filter;
56     import std.typecons;
57     assert([1, 2, 3].filter!"true".fromPairs == [1: 2]);
58     assert([tuple(1, 2)].fromPairs == [1: 2]);
59 }